All donations are used to care for the cats at The Chatty Cat Cafe.
Wishlist Items
Help us - help the cats!
We have included some links to popular online shopping sites, but we love it even more when people support their local pet stores too! If you would like to have items sent directly to us, our address is
3575 Maple Avenue Suite 106, Zanesville Ohio 43701.
Please note that we are not a 501(c)(3), so donations/gifts to us are not tax-deductible, just highly appreciated!
Click the button below to download a list of items we use most frequently!
We DO NOT accept the following donations at the current time:
used toys/scratching posts
open bags of food
cat trees
Any gifts that we can’t use at The Chatty Cat Cafe will be donated to our rescue partners!
Again, we are not a 501(c)(3), so donations/gifts to us are not tax-deductible, just highly appreciated! If you prefer to donate to an organization that is tax-deductible, we prefer that you donate to any of our rescue partners!
Thank you very much for your generosity!
Other ways you can help!
Hang out with the cats. Visits to the lounge support our mission through our reservation fee, and the cats get socialized! Win-win!
Get cat-finated! Buying delicious drinks and snacks from the cafe side(cat-free, no reservation needed!) each cup sold helps us help rescue cats and kittens find forever homes!
Write a good review. It helps others find us on Google and Facebook.
Comment something kind on our social media posts!
Share the cats online. Share our posts and your own pics of the cats on your social media so we can reach the highest number of potential adopters! @Thechattycatcafe
Volunteer at local shelters.
Learn to responsibly care for ferals and Trap-Neuter-Release(TNR)
Educate and advocate FOR spay/neuter programs and animal protective laws, and AGAINST declawing and breeding.
Donate cat supplies. Having this many cats in the lounge all the time means we go through toys, beds, and other cat supplies very quickly! We would love if you donate any of the items in our wishlist!